Convert your CTS3 to an ID Custom Tuning Device in Minutes!
Exciting news for tuning enthusiasts! We are thrilled to announce that we now offerAlready own the Evolution CTS3 and looking to take it to the next level? Add our Custom Tune License only for only $79.95!
Once your device has been updated and holds the required Custom Tune License,
simply flash/backup your trucks files into the CTS3, then email that back up file to ID
Speed Shop and wait for your new files to be emailed back to you.
Simply drag and drop the files into the CTS3 drive at your PC and you're ready to flash
your truck!
Already own an Insight CTS3 and want to use it to flash your truck with custom emissions intact calibrations? Simply upgrade it through our Update Agent software and order your tunes from ID Speed Shop.
When you update the CTS3, it will launch the Edge Products webstore once complete If
it’s an Insight, you need to locate the IUG_INSIGHTPLUS sku and purchase it. It will be
$119.95 to update to custom tuning. Below is a direct link:
Click Here to Update your Edge Insight CTS3
Once it’s purchased, you'll receive an email. Next, unplug and plug back in and update
one last time. This will perform the sku change from Insight to Insight+ and you're good
to go.
If you have an Evolution, search for sku IUG_CUSTOMCTS. This will be $79.95 and
just adds the license to their device. Simply create a new folder on the Evolution for
custom tunes.
Click Here to Update your Edge Evolution CTS3