How to Datalog with SCT
Download and install the SCT LiveLink Gen-II Software located here:
Once installed open Livelink Gen III & select I want to datalog a vehicle.
Connect your SCT device to
your laptop via usb cable.
Connect your SCT device to
your vehicle
Start vehicle and select check communication.
Once it recognizes the vehicle info. Select Load Config.
Configuration files are here:
Ford 6.0L SCT Configuration File
Once open, select the green button to start logging. Once finished hit the red button.
After you've completed your datalog, you'll need to save it. Be sure to select Save All. Please
email the file back the file in the email that we sent the instructions to you in.
Common Datalog:
Idle log. – get vehicle warm and log for 1 to 2 min.
RPM log. – get vehicle warm and slowly rev vehicle from idle to 3000 rpm. Stopping at 500 rpm
intervals. 1500rpm, 2000rpm, 2500rpm pausing for 10-15 seconds.
Driving log. – get vehicle warm. This is a part throttle driving log, NO WOT. Vary speed, throttle
position and acceleration rate from a stop.
WOT log. – get vehicle warm and in a safe environment to do a WOT pull in 2 nd or 3rd gear. Use
the lowest gear you can but not spinning tires.