How to determine a boost leak in your truck.
Posted by ID Speed Shop on 2023 Jul 31st
You may have a boost leak in your truck, if you're having symptom's like low boost, change in turbo sound, poor shifting, over fueling, lazy response, and/or delayed shifts.Testing for a boost leak involves identifying potential problem areas in the turbocharging system and performing a series of tests to isolate the leak. A boost leak can lead to reduced engine performance and
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How to choose the correct Spark Plug for you application.
Posted by ID Speed Shop and Procharger on 2022 Feb 28th
Well, let's get to the basics hopefully without boring you. The function of a spark plug is to produce a spark at the correct time to ignite the combustible mixture. A spark plug is composed of a shell, insulator and conductor. It passes through the head into the wall of the combustion chamber and seals the combustion chamber against high
pressures and tempera
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Hellcat Supercharger Pulley Installation Instructions
Posted by ID Speed Shop on 2022 Feb 24th
We've compiled installation pictures we found online, along with some of our own. Hopefully having this resource in one place will assist DIY customers or shops that haven't installed a pulley on a Hellcat before.Installing a Supercharger Pulley on your Hellcat is about a 3-hour job. The Supercharger can either be tilted up and secured or completely removed to access and
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